Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generation Machine With These Top 7 Design Tips


Is your website generating leads and converting as well as it could be? You may have tried a number of different things to improve your lead generation and conversions, but looking at the design of your site can really help. Just a few small changes when it comes to your website design can turn it into a lead generation machine. We're here to help, with 7 lead generation tips for your site design.


1. Add a Blog, and Blog Regularly

You'll find that almost all your site visitors will read your blog – they want to know the people behind the business, the voice of your brand. A blog is a great way to let visitors hear your voice and engage with your brand on a deeper level, seeing things from your company's perspective. Blog at least twice a week and include a call-to-action in each blog post – this will generate more leads for your business.

2. Make your Images Compelling and Relatable

Turn_Your_Website_Into_A_Lead_Generation_Machine_-_Images.pngResearch shows that you only have 10 seconds to make a first impression on website visitors – so make yours a good one. Choose strong images that your prospects will relate to – something that gives them an emotional connection to your business. Of course, it goes without saying that images should be high quality and not blurry or pixelated, but make sure you don't use such large images that your page loading time increases.


3. Add a Testimonial


All the marketing spiel in the world won't impress visitors to your site. What they really want is to read a review or testimonial from one of your clients or customers, somebody who was once in their shoes. So try adding this to your home page; you'll be surprised how much this can affect brand trust and lead generation.


4. Offer Something for Free on Your Home Page


Maybe your website visitors want to find out more about your company and the products and services you offer, but they're not yet ready to contact you and make a purchase. Try offering free content such as an eBook, research study or report on your home page – this way prospective customers can find out more without reaching out to you. By creating a graphically eye-catching call-to-action button on your homepage for this content, you'll find you can generate more leads.


5. Say it with a Video


We all love watching videos, and adding a video to your home page is a far more effective way of engaging customers than using text alone. You can tell your brand story with music, visual images and pictures, rather than making your visitors do all the hard work reading through content. Learn more about the power of video here -Don't Underestimate The Potential Of YouTube And Video Marketing


6. Use Simple Fonts


The most successful landing pages – those generating thousands of leads daily – all have something in common when it comes to their design. They all use simple flat fonts. Not only are these easier to read and clear to see, they also look great on all devices, including desktop, mobile and tablets.


7. Work on your Calls-to-Action

Turn_Your_Website_Into_A_Lead_Generation_Machine_-_CTA.pngYour calls-to-action (CTAs) are an important thing to spend time on when it comes to generating leads for your website. Think about their positioning – are they in the best place? Are they clear and easy to read? Using contrasting colours and different styles – such as a button or a sliding CTA – can help your CTAs to stand out, increasing click-through rate and generating more leads. Personalising your calls-to-action could also help – personalised CTAs convert around 42% more visitors than regular CTAs, and are often used to welcome back visitors who have been to your site before. Learn more about CTAs here - Four Tips for Developing Effective Call to Action Buttons.

It's tempting to focus all your efforts on Google Analytics and examining the behaviour of your website visitors when it comes to turning your website into a lead generation machine. But it's not just the content of your site that matters, the design and layout are just as important, if not more so. If you're wondering how to create a lead generating website, the answer is to use at least a few (if not all) of these design tips, to engage customers and boost lead generation. These small changes can make a big difference.